Fast car? Boring... Girlfriends? Boring... Got money? Boring... No-o-o-o! Hot friends? Boring... Rock bands? Boring... Not intrested... No Tha-ank you! :P
HEY guys! :D Yuki here! What's up? It's been awhile... (NO IT'S NOT! >:( It's been a thousand years! LOL! JK.. :P) ;A; I'm SO lonely! WAIT! I'm not LONELY! I have FRiENDS! :D Wanna know? :9 These people bright my life! IN SCHOOL AND iNTERNET WORLD :3
Azrin (ALWAYS! ♥)
Xin Tian (Oh YEAH =w=)
Alya (Yup yup! :3)
Cheezy (A fun lil' cheezybytes! ;D)
Some of the Choir members. :3
Brenda (She's funny! XD)
Haru (Haru-nii-chan! :3)
Ryou (._. He's include here...)
Anita (She's cool :3)
Azmien (She calls me Kitty! 8D Meow! I dunno... She ALMOST... :P)
Najihah (She's nice :) And so soft ♥ She's cute as well! :3)
Auni (Nice and cute!)
Rhian (Awesome sis! 8D She's the same age as me! XD)
Kiena (Bestie! ;D)
Nisa ( :D Nicha-chan~!)
Sarah Bess (My cute American sis! 8D)
Loke (Awesome cosplayer! :P)
Lucy-chan (A nice sis! :D)
Hamizah (A fun girl since year 1! :3)
Fatin[Chikito] (She's cool! :D Ain't that right, Kito-chan?)
Dalila (Awesome la ;))
Amiera (Cute... =w= I can say that because she is...)
Ummi (She's so smart! :D)
Mikage/Kaoru (He doesn't talk Malay but... He's COOL!! owo Thanks for being with me, Kao-chan!)
Akira (Akira-chii is kawaii and awesome!!)
:P There's more for that! Guess those will be useful! XD They are the ones that always be beside me always... ^^ ♥ And the people that I listed. I promise to be with you all as well! :D If I can... :3 WELL... I thanks Kai-kun because he help me with the music player here! :D Love you, Kai-kun! Hmm... :T AHA!!
CUTE right? :3 This is Hatsune Miku! She's my idol! Even though she's a robot, she has a wonderful voice. ♥ I mean it! Try search her songs in YouTube! Lalalala~! =A= Now I'm bored... NOTHING to do here... .-. I only listen to some songs... =w= WHAT!?!! My precious MUSIC PLAYER!! >A< THE WRONG SONG!!! ;A; Don't mistaken the NEYO - ONE IN A MILLION song is the real song! That's the 'Because of you' by Ne-Yo! ^^" Welll... I gotta go... =.= BYE!!! .-.